Application Process

Applications have closed on 11:59pm on May 6th, 2024

Application instructions: 

Your are asked to complete an on-line application form. Above and beyond the typical contact and program information,  you will be asked the following questions:

  • Please identify any course you have taken that may relate to entrepreneurship
  • Please describe any extra-curricular experiences you’ve had that relate to entrepreneurship. 
  • Please describe any entrepreneurial aspirations that you may have.
  • Why do you want to take this course?
  • Enter GPA <in percent> 
  • Please upload a PDF copy of your current transcript
  • Please provide the following:
    • URL for your Linked-in Profile or URL to your personal CV outlining any relevant experience

You will receive and email acknowledging receipt of your application, but no applications will be reviewed until the deadline.

Students are encouraged to demonstrate interest in the New Venture Design course by attending the Information Session as well as the Demo Day. After our initial review of applications, we may request a Zoom or in-person interview with you.


If you have any questions, please contact the following: